Retirement Preparedness Quiz


Please answer the following questions to the best of your ability. This quiz will help you gauge your preparedness for retirement and identify areas where you may need to focus more attention.

What is your current age? *
At what age do you plan to retire? *
Do you have a specific retirement savings goal? *
How much do you currently have saved up for retirement? *
Do you contribute regularly to a retirement savings plan? (401k, IRA, etc.) *
Do you expect to receive a pension or other retirement income (excluding Social Security)? *
How confident are you in your understanding of Social Security benefits? *
Do you have a diversified investment portfolio? *
Have you estimated your annual expenses in retirement? *
Do you know what taxes you will owe upon retiring? *
Do you have a plan for healthcare costs in retirement? *
Do you have any debts that you need to pay off before retirement? *
Have you consulted with a financial advisor about your retirement plan? *
How would you describe your anticipated lifestyle in retirement? *


Once you submit your answers, you'll receive a summary of your retirement preparedness along with some tips and resources to help you improve your planning.

Additional Resources